Safety On The Water Workshops

Wind, Waves, Tides, Preparedness Workshop 2024

Jun 19, 2024

Learn about Wind, Waves, Tides and Paddling Preparedness in these recording of of a live workshop originally delivered in June of 2024. The information is at a beginner to an experienced beginner level.

The videos cover topics I reach in my Advanced SUP course, my Instructor course, and some new information. My goal was to educate paddlers on what they need to know before they go paddling to stay safe on the water. No matter if you are a recreational day paddler or a multi day paddler, you'll find valuable information that pertains to you.

To make the videos easer to watch, I've broken the two hour workshop into 4 sections, Wind, Waves, Tides, and Preparedness. Now, lets get started.


You'll lean about how wind direction is labeled, understanding the affect paddlers, and how land formations can assist or hinder your paddling sessions.

Topics discussed,

  • Understanding how wind is labeled
  • Impacts of wind on paddlers
  • Importance of knowing expected wind and gust speed and direction
  • Weather forecast resources
  • Venturi Effect and wind


In this video we take what we've learned about wind to start understanding more about wind waves.

Topics discussed,

  • Anatomy of a wave
  • Fetch and Fetch Length
  • How ocean and lake bottoms affect waves
  • Positive and negative affects of land formations on paddlers


This is an introduction to tides and how they can impact paddlers.

Topics discussed,

  • What creates tides
  • Launch and landing considerations
  • Briefly talked about current created by tides
  • Venturi effect on water movement and current

Preparedness and Tools

In the preparedness video I review a Paddle Preparedness document I use in my lesson that help you understand the core information you need to lookup and know to understand what to expect while you are paddling single or multi day outings.

I also review where to find information in Windy, and look at other online website and resources that contain valuable information.

Hopefully you find value in this information and start applying it in your next session on the water.


Online tools,

  1. Windy (browser or app) -
  2. Environment Canada Marine Weather -
  3. Tides -
  4. Beach Water Quality -

My Preparedness Template and Samples

Ready to Level Up Your Skills

Jump into one of my Advanced or Touring Skills courses.